View Full Version : Auto-TerraFirmaCraft

15th April 2023, 11:57
Have you guys seen this? Illmango is playing Auto-Terrafirmacraft which combines TFC for 1.18.2 with the Create mod.


Mod pack here:

You can install it using the Prism launcher. (https://prismlauncher.org/) Just search for "Auto-TerraFirmaCraft" in the CurseForge section when adding a new instance.

16th April 2023, 00:09
I saw the post on ilmango's feed, but hadn't watch it yet. I downloaded the (super lightweight) pack and had a fly around in creative. Looks like the recipes and all of the in-game literature is up to date and is very helpful. I probably will find myself having a go with this pack once my FTB One stuff is further along (basic block generation factory, bridge to J's Base, trains?). Not sure if I would suggest running this multiplayer yet, but we will see how it progresses with updates and fixes.

16th April 2023, 08:56
My guess is that as Illmango progresses he'll find some issues with the pack that then get sorted with some updates. The same happened with this Skyblock series. So if anything I'd wait for a bit for that.

That being said it might be fun running this on a public server.

11th May 2023, 22:51

19th June 2023, 23:35
I know some people from the discord were itching to play terrafirmacraft 1.18 a few months ago. I'm sure a lot of people would be interested in this combination.

20th June 2023, 03:12
been a week or so but been playing since it was mentioned. traveling long distances is a pain. i'll totally support teleporting.

2nd February 2024, 10:06
Hello Insane J,long time no see :),i indeed know that serie i have been posting about it and Serious creepers new modpack SFC its tfc plus Create in 1.18.2 where he has been working on since Verph launched Poetica about 5 years ago,i have been playing it and it feels really good ! and am surprised he still solved all the issues and launched that pack 5 years later,so i mentioned that and 2 new series on it by ilmango and arcwolf gaming in the DC to Astro,and was also wondering couldnt we update oure TFC server to a light version of that SFC modpack say around 20-30 mods witch you can get strait from curse forge,since the old server is really old and not motivating anyone to play anymore and all the towns are dead and empty,if we could make a light 1.18 serverpack that could interrest people to come and play again that would be great !,i do understand this is gonna take some time,work and trouble shooting ofc ,we could also vote for what mod should be added, i had a look at the list and there definatly some handy/cool mods in there, but 127 is a bit much :))

Let me know what you think ! Greetings Supersausage2.

3rd February 2024, 10:35
The TFC for Minecraft 1.7.10 server will stay where it is. People are still playing there from time to time and I like the idea of having it as kind of a museum. There are many awesome builds there that I would like to keep online.

So far all the reactions posted here are in the sense of: "it's a cool pack" but I haven't seen anybody volunteering to do more with it. If we put up a public server we're going to need some staff members available to keep an eye on things. Right now we have started playing Gregtech New Horizons and I'm having a lot of fun in that pack. So unless we get some other staff members onboard who are willing to moderate a new, public, TFC (+other mods) server I don't see this happening any time soon.

6th February 2024, 14:34
Hi J,as for now i dont have time to become staff,i will let you know if that changes in the future,i do have a good understanding of whats avaible in 1.12-1.20,and i do like it alot and think there is enough now to make a decent server pack from,i also would love to be playing and moderating a new server, but this isnt the right time for me ,have a goodday ! :)