View Full Version : Nvidium - High FPS at huge render distance

16th January 2024, 13:03
Came across another mod to help with large render distances called: Nvidium.

As the name suggests it only works with Nvidia cards. The reason for this is that it uses mesh shaders which aren't (yet?) available in the OpenGL implementation AMD uses. Also you will need a lot of VRAM as increases the view distance requires more of it. If you have an 8GB card then you can probably get it up to 64 chunks but to really max it out a 16GB card would be ideal.

So if you are on an Nvidia card and you have a lot of VRAM then you may want to give these mods a go.


And you will need Sodium as a requirements for Nvidium to work:


And add Bobby so you can increase your view distance beyond the default:


Except for Dotje's PC (she's on a 8GB GTX 1080) we have replaced all GPU's in our household with AMD cards so I couldn't tell you how well this works. So let me know :)

17th January 2024, 12:46
Looks like a great option for those of us who bought the wrong card.. It seems that I will lose shader support while it's activated, so I might stick with Bobby for now.

19th January 2024, 08:23
Just saw a sneak preview of Shrimple shaders with Distant Horizons support.


Version 0.10 adds initial Distant Horizons support.

Even us lowly AMD users should be able to run that ;)