View Full Version : Tekkit Server

21st August 2012, 01:16
I love minecraft, yet at times plain old minecraft gets really boring. So one day I found a little thing called tekkit... I'm positive you've heard of it. I am requesting a new tekkit server I know I would enjoy one and I'm sure a few others would too. I'm setting up a poll vote to see how many people think its something they want or don't, please vote.

21st August 2012, 03:30
Why don't you explain a little bit about what Tekkit is? How you play on a Tekkit server. What makes it different from Vanilla. You know, educate people so they can make informed decisions. Maybe add a link in there to the mod page so people can read more about it if they like.

Also, polls are nice :)

21st August 2012, 03:53
I've never heard of tekkit. What is it?

21st August 2012, 10:35
Well for those that are not well informed or didn't understand the post above because the lack of information Tekkit is a combination of all great ideas implemented in one pack that's Tekkit. You have more things to do besides farming and building, plenty of new tools materials for building and ores and more smart mechanics that are better than redstone for example wires, conductors, generators, pipes etc. So what you see its a vanilla-like minecraft at a whole new level :)

Here you can see what the PACK contains and the client/server files TEKKIT (http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/)

Well if we well need I can also make a Tutorial for how to use the launcher.
Some new materials:

42 ALARM (used to alert you and your friends when someone comes in the house)
43 QUARRY (mines a specified area and deposits all stuff in a chest slow but efficient if you do something else in that time)

22nd August 2012, 10:12
I've set up a Tekkit server yesterday to see how it works, what it's like, etc. From a server standpoint... it's a mess. There are so many mods in there all doing different things that it lags when I run it on my PC. Ok, my PC isn't as fast as Dom's new beast, but a core i7 at 4GHz with 24GB running on 4 SSDs in RAID0 should be enough for any server. Also, some of the mods kept spamming errors in the server log which they shouldn't do after a clean install.

Besides the server mess, you also need a different client which is also heavily modified and also runs poorly. I'm used to capping the FPS at around 100 at 2560x1600. Now it struggled to get 50. That means that a lot of people will have difficulties running this smoothly unless they turn of all the nice graphics options, which kind of defeats the purpose of this mod I think.

I talked to Dom about Tekkit. Well, maybe talked is a big word here. The conversation was like 4 lines ;)

Unfortunately, we are not going to run a Tekkit server. The gameplay is too different from default Minecraft, and as a server it's a pain.

In closing, I like it that people bring in new ideas for servers. Please keep that up. We will consider most new ideas carefully.

23rd August 2012, 00:59
So the thing about tekkit servers is that they cant run without a monthly hoster.. they simply can't but if yyou use beastnode or creeperhost it should work fine but i would suggest only 10-18 members slots