View Full Version : Towny Memories

28th October 2012, 23:54
As you may well have seen, the towny server is being closed. After such a long time I'm sure many of you have some great memories of playing on the server.

So, if everyone would like to post their greatest memories of the server, I think it would be a great way to remember it.

My best memory was meeting fireseed23. He proved a great friend and I still keep in contact with him when i can.

The server was full of awesome people and I hope to see you all on the remaining servers some time soon!

29th October 2012, 22:20
You're still in contact with fire? How is he? Anyways,

I think my best memory was surviving in the newbzone with mrjrbacon. My Canadian pal and I fended off many griefers, and were murdered many times fending others against Zel, and Anthony. Arka, Colton, and I had some good times before the second server(and the start of the IP we have today) was fully formed. Colton was a admin before it was settled down, and gave arka and I god mode, and a ton of diamond swords. We trolled so many noobs... I also protected the residents of the spawn from pllem13. Good times.

30th October 2012, 21:38
Does the second server count... well My favorite times on the second server was when i just got on and RJ and I saw that my friend i know at school came on and we decided that we just had to troll him so hard so we wento to hit 50 block high tower of dirt and he was showing RJ and me around and RJ and i were skyping and he was just minecraft chatting and he told me to sprint hit him when we got to the top of the tower.. so we got there. and what do you know i hit him and he goes flying off the tower and dies we ran off before he raged too haer and we decided to build a base not too far and that started the history of everything and the start of my adventure on Dom's... but then KrunchyKibbles came along and decided to grief it... :( we were sad but we knew we could rebuild it!! so we did and it was the best base we had ever created on minecraft ever so i have had so many amazing fun times on this server that i could go on about... but im not going to :)

30th October 2012, 22:09
Any map could count! I don't think flying was on the original server either. We switched to beastnode at the start of November. And sadly will end at the start of November :(