View Full Version : What to do with the Snapshot server?

29th October 2012, 23:11
So we've got a few new players who started out on the Snapshot server when 1.4.2 was released. They want to continue playing there, but the map will be reset when a new snapshot comes out.

I made a promise that if 10 new people sign up and let me know they want a public Vanilla server, I would make one and give the first 10 new people to join some nice goodies.

So here is your chance. Let's us know if you are interested in playing on a public Vanilla server.

30th October 2012, 23:31
I think that's a yes!

31st October 2012, 09:46
Sorry, I removed the spam post above your post. Now your post looks silly :p

I think it's amazing people can vind the Snapshot server, but not the forums. This thread was made because of players on the server wanting a semi-permanent map. Oh well...

31st October 2012, 21:09
I would play on the vanilla server but only if we keep the vanilla server we have now private and keep the map but making a new different vanilla server that is public is fine with me :)