View Full Version : Griefing report

19th December 2012, 01:01
Sadly this topic is about very bad behavior on the Small World server that I have to report because I don't want these people to harm others as they did me.

First of all a bookshelf was missing from my enchanting setup and I didn't think much of it as I have plenty so if someone needed 1 and I wasn't around to give 1 to them I don't really mind it, but today I come on and all the bookshelves are missing now, and my item frames keep losing items I placed inside of them. Strange enough one of the items is a Iron Chestplate.

So I decided to snoop around with the inspect tool to see whats going on and I find the following:


I also lost a anvil that was only used once, inspect that as well and found this:


Yeah the Enderchest that I thought I took with me is also gone...

Seems like avafede was pretty mad at me. I snooped around my base a bit more and noticed some trampled crops in my farm and then I noticed this hole in the ceiling:


This one could have been a accident but I am not sure, Blackdragon has been playing a bit rough, PVP killing people (they are apparently his friends but they complained about it when I was playing, I think magic and Nexy can confirm this one). So yeah I would like the admins to take some measures against these players, and I want other people to know how these guys play, just so everyone knows whats happening.

Thank you for your time and service dear Admin(s) :)

19th December 2012, 09:48
Thanks for taking the time to report this.

As you know stealing on this server is allowed. So the question here is: do you consider this theft or grief? By the looks of things avafede2000 only took very specific items and not destroy your base otherwise.

Here's a tip: if you lock your doors, and someone destroys a wall to get in. That's grief and the mods (or admins) can deal with that by banning the griefer.

As for the items that have been stolen. You can either ask your stuff back or take it by force. I will add another rule that sais something like: "If you steal, the people you stole from are allowed to kill you." So the PVP only if all parties involved agree - rule doesn't apply here.

If BlackDragon_2000 mined into your base by accident, then we'll leave it at that. If he PVPs others without their consent, we'll take action. But we need those others to report BlackDragon. This can be done on the server with one of the mods or admins, or here on the forum. And since we're not always on the server I would suggest posting it here. They've already signed up for the forum so it shouldn't be too much trouble. If you see any of BlackDragon's 'victims', could you ask them to report him if he's causing trouble?

19th December 2012, 12:55
I wouldn't consider something a grief if they steal it out of a unlocked chest, but destroying blocks in any case means grief for me because if someone leaves a locked door (with a sign on it) open on accident, someone could take out all the blocks inside your base and it would be "theft" which is a weird concept if you ask me.

Problem with this is that there is no limit, people can just go and take whatever they want out of eachothers bases, like furnaces, crafting tables, potion stands, which becomes griefing because you have to break the block to get it. And another thing is that when someone steals such blocks they can put them inside a locked chest so you can never retrieve the items even if you kill them. And if you add the killing option I think that could also increase the amount of borderline griefing because people would get mad if they lose their diamond tools or armor if you kill them and take it all. The whole non PvP unless everyone agrees makes a more forced friendly environment which weeds out people who just want to kill, grief and steal all the time (Which you can then ban).

Its your decision, but id rather people ask you for things, instead of breaking blocks and taking them away. I am not saying these things have extreme value, I am just saying the way they were taken away is not nice or fair in any case, because it could lead to people with no homes stealing everyone's stuff and place it in a locked chest and never actually use the stuff, which is just a stupid situation to come into.

19th December 2012, 14:04
So it boils down to the question: Is stealing blocks like book shelfs and item displays considered grief?

I will discuss this with the other mods and admins and get some more opinions on the matter.

My thoughts right now are that stuff you can lock with a sign(Lockette) are free game for stealing. So lock them or they might get stolen. Special items like the dragon egg also falls into this category. Just look at the running gag DOM and Demman have about stealing the egg from each other.

This also means that breaking blocks that can't be protected with a sign is considered griefing. I'm inclined to put special blocks/items into this category like item displays, heads and Beacons including their bases.

We'll discuss this matter and update when we figure something out :)

19th December 2012, 15:09
The DOM and Demman gag is their own fun that could probably stop just by DOM saying "Please stop it, I don't want to do this anymore". They kinda agree and have rules that the egg needs to be placed in a shrine where it can be stolen again.

But what avafade did is a more damaging way of stealing, where he destroys blocks that couldn't have been locked by signs. If you make too many things be locked, then we gonna have to craft 100's of signs to prevent people from being jerks and you are putting a bigger load on the players. This problem would be easier with block protection around bases (which I don't want at all) and then the whole notion of stealing blocks is out of your worries.

What I would like to get from you guys is a clear line what is stealing and what is griefing, because with your definition I could go under Roadies house, which has very tall pillars to support it in the air, and take out those pillars because they are not indoors and they are not protected.

The bookshelves were around a enchanting table which is part of my storageroom design, so if its legal to take out things that are design choices and actually a part of a base, then anything goes. This type of stealing should only be introduced later on when the map gets filled with more and more people and resources become more and more sparse. But that's my opinion, when you discuss it with the other staff please let me know what the decision is :)

19th December 2012, 15:20
What avafede did was enter your base and removed blocks you could have locked. However if you have a locked door, then the only way to enter is to destroy blocks which is clearly griefing.

The same goes for larger bases. If you build a fence around it, people can't enter unless it has a door or they destroy the fence. If people, like in your example, destroy someone's pillars that is clearly griefing.

So the question remains: what is stealing and what is grief?

19th December 2012, 15:57
Sorry :( il give them back

19th December 2012, 21:30
avafede and me have resolved this issue in game and I'm dropping the charges of griefing. He gave the stuff back and we agreed that he wont go back into my base. I also locked a few more doors so my base should be safe from entering unless people break blocks.

20th December 2012, 10:09
That is probably the best outcome this situation could have gotten :)

As far as the rules go, I have decided the following:

All blocks that can be locked with a sign may be stolen. If you do not lock those blocks, then don't complain if they get stolen.
Griefing is not allowed. Griefing is when you break a block that has been placed by someone else and that isn't a block that can be locked with a sign.

So if a door is not locked with a sign, you may go through it. If a chest is not locked with a sign you may open it and take its contents.

You may not however break blocks that make up the support for a locked door or destroy a fence or knock out a few windows to get inside someone's house.

I hope that clears things up. Here is the latest update of the rules:

Griefing is not allowed. Griefing is when you break a block that has been placed by someone else and that isn't a block that can be locked with a sign.
PVP is allowed if all parties involved agree to it.
Stealing is allowed so lock your chests, doors and other stuff with a sign. Only blocks that can be locked with a sign and the contents of chests may be stolen. Stealing other blocks is grief and not allowed.
If you steal, the people you stole from are allowed to kill you if they choose to.
Respect the staff and other players.
Do not ask for promotions such as mod or admin.
Do not use strong language, cursing or swearing.
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