View Full Version : And this is What you said:

21st December 2012, 22:16
2012-12-21 22:09:43 <InsaneJ> Can you see the server logs?. Nice one insane, you don't even have a reason to banned me except: Banned by an operator. Nice one.

21st December 2012, 22:23
You acted like a dick, and got treated like one.

Want to act like you're the victim or innocent as well? Go right ahead.

21st December 2012, 22:25
No your acting like a dick especially for and admin, and I am the victim. So I will go right ahead.

21st December 2012, 22:32
Especially for an admin? Why is that? Are admins supposed to take crap from everybody or something?

21st December 2012, 22:38
No you took a comment to heart so you went all kung fu on my ass. So you going to unban me, and we shall try this again

21st December 2012, 23:17
In all seriousness can you unban me now?

22nd December 2012, 10:41
No you took a comment to heart so you went all kung fu on my ass. So you going to unban me, and we shall try this again

I told you that you have an attitude problem. Here it is again.

Setting up and maintaining the servers is a lot of work. Not to mention it simply costs money to keep a fast server and a fast Internet connection like the one we're using running and up to date.

Then you come along. You want me to change things server wise. But instead of asking me, making the suggestion, or even being polite about in general. You pretty much just tell me what to do.

Then when you say stuff that's just not true, you start to argue with me. You cannot see the server logs. You cannot see how much the Java process of the FTB server is using. Yet you claim you can. And when I ask you to prove it, you bail out and say you don't have to prove anything.

The way you interacted with me really pissed me off. And when I tell you I don't like it you act that way, you tell me I'm being anal.

You've made a new thread: Unban. Bored as hell!! (http://happydiggers.net/showthread.php?784-Unban-Bored-as-hell!!) Where you write the following:

Can a op unban me please I'm bored as hell.

So you are bored? I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope you are able to resolve this issue soon, because I know being bored sucks.

You don't consider how other people respond to you. When they respond negatively you act like an even bigger jerk. In your mind you think you're right and that I'm the bad guy. And apparently you think that you are entitled to something that will get someone else to unban just like that.

Next time when you want someone to do something for you, perhaps you should consider just asking politely. Consider the other person's position. In my case, I'm not here to serve you. When you have a problem, don't go around like an angry 10 year old screaming WTF?? on the forums. You don't have to suck up either, but making a suggestion or just asking nicely will get you a lot further and doesn't hurt your dignity in any way. When people tell you they don't like the way you're acting, at least try to look at what you're doing instead of putting all the blame on that person.

You really acted like a dick to me. I don't think I deserve that from you. So no, you will not be unbanned until you at least make an effort to change that.

22nd December 2012, 13:05
You know what have you ever thought where'd you be if Dom didn't bring this community together, your just abusing your power. Plus its the internet don't take stuff to heart, everyone gets hate, there's always that one annoying person in your life. Get over it. Now i will try this. Can you unban me please. <<Look I said please OMG I use manners.

P.S. Who am I sucking up to please explain. <<Look I said it again.

22nd December 2012, 15:37
You tell him J!

And J is right Lemon... He puts SO much into this community that I never had the willpower (or skills) to do. And on top of that, this community is growing from HIS efforts, not mine. InsaneJ does his best to keep this community the best he can and deserves more respect than any other member.

22nd December 2012, 15:41
But this community would not be around if you didn't put it together

22nd December 2012, 16:38
Banning someone who acts like a jerk after he's been playing on my servers, using my resources for a long time is an abuse of power? Our server rules are very clear: respect the staff. You clearly broke that rule, so you deserved the ban 100% That's no abuse of power in any way.

And you defend your actions with: "Plus its the internet don't take stuff to heart, everyone gets hate, there's always that one annoying person in your life. Get over it."

So basically you're saying it's ok to be a jerk because there's other people acting like jerks and I should just accept that. Well, you're wrong. Very wrong. It's never ok to act like a jerk, not for any reason. And I most certainly don't have to put up with it.

As for your arguments about this community, you really don't know much about this community. I think the Towny server DOM rented cost about $30 a month. As far as I know 13 donations have brought in $391. After that donations dried up and the Towny server eventually had to close. By this time I had been hosting the Vanilla server for

You speak of this community as if it's DOM's. It's not. It's a community! That means a group of people who get together because they share something in common. It's not the property of a single person. You can't own a community because if the people don't like you, they will simply leave.

I choose to contribute to this community by donating my server, my bandwidth and a lot of my time. Right now I think I've been running the Vanilla server for about 9 months. All the other servers that have been added since are also hosted by me. So don't you be talking to me about this community.

And what's this?

Now i will try this. Can you unban me please. <<Look I said please OMG I use manners.

P.S. Who am I sucking up to please explain. <<Look I said it again.
A sarcastic apology? You're not sorry for what you did. You're only sorry you got banned.

Also I never said that you suck up to anyone.What I did say is that you do not have to suck up to anyone, just be polite as that will get you a lot further.

22nd December 2012, 16:52
It was not a sarcastic apology I was just pointing out I said please you see it. And I am not saying the community is run by one person. I'm not saying it's ok to be a jerk I am saying everyone has that one person they hate. I am not defending any of my actions I am making a point.

I like this community but I don't particularly like you but that should break up me and the community unless YOU run the community which you stated not me, I was pointing out that one person brought together the community.

22nd December 2012, 18:58
I normally wouldn't say this but I give up i'm getting to bored.
I'm sorry for being a jerk, can I please come back on the server?

22nd December 2012, 20:22
Yes you can. I'll unban you right away.

22nd December 2012, 20:35
Thank you:D

23rd February 2013, 01:44
I know I'm new, but I also know that yes, DOM did put this community together. But J is working harder than anyone else (especially you) the keep this community up and running. He works harder than even DOM! All you do is try to undermine the fact that J works hard to make this a good community by saying he wouldn't be here if DOM hadn't put it together. As DOM admitted, he doesn't have the skills or willpower to keep Happy Diggers going. Without J it wouldn't be alive. Instulting him will get you nowhere. Sucking up will get you nowhere. You sarcastic attitude and the obvious emphasis and strain you put on saying the word please pisses everyone off. How did you get on the whitelist for FTB anyway? Try using the attitude you had when you got whitelisted, or what you did to get whitelisted. I came across this thread when I was looking around. I read every word about the argument between you and J. DOM and J have helped me alot. I mean ALOT! But seeing this, this makes me so angry, that for your own selfish reasons, you think you have the authority to insult them. I don't have the authority either. But I do have the authority to insult you. Happy Diggers would be much better without you. I dont care how much you hate me for this, you deserve it. You deserved to be insulted. You deserved to be banned. You deserve never to be unbanned. You deserve to be kicked off every Happy Digges server. Because with you around swearing and insulting, it's not Happy Diggers. It's Pissed Off Diggers. So shut up and quit complaining.


23rd February 2013, 01:48
Ok let's not drag this one up again. This issue is old and has been resolved a long time ago.

Talon, please don't flame others. The mods will take care of people who don't play nice. Best thing to do if you see someone misbehaving is report it, and stay as far away as you can from discussions and flame wars.

Thanks for sticking up up for me, but I'm closing this thread as I don't see how it can contribute in a positive way. As stated above, the issue with miles has been resolved a long time ago. So just leave it at that ok? :)