View Full Version : The Future of Feed The Beast

23rd December 2012, 11:16
You may have seen this already, but for those that have not.

Slowpoke speaks to Docm about where FTB is going to be going in the future:


The video is a bit long, and it takes a while before they get to the interesting bit. But please watch it if you can :)

They discuss the upcoming release of FTB. There will be a lot of exciting new things added, a lot of things get fixed and a couple of plugins will be more balanced.

Which brings me to the reason of this thread. Ryan asked me yesterday if I was going to start a new map when the new FTB comes out. I said I had no intention of destroying the current world.

But seeing that video I'm not so sure you guys would want to keep playing on the current map. We've just started playing on the current map so changing to a new map shouldn't bring too much hassle for everyone. I can move your stuff from the current world to a new one. I will leave this decision to you guys though. I haven't done much on the FTB server so I don't have to say goodbye to any cool builds/machines/bases/etc. I am excited for the things they're adding in the new version though so I'm for a new world. But again, I will leave this to you guys who have been playing on the server more :)

So what do you think? Keep on going with the current world? Or start a new one? (with the option of me moving your stuff if you want)

23rd December 2012, 11:32
If you can get the small important amount of stuff we all gathered till now I'm all OK; all that includes machines and some complex stuff like DOM's diamond farm should remain for peoples happiness :D.

23rd December 2012, 12:01
If I run the map in singleplayer with world edit installed, I think I can make schematics that I can then put back in the new map.

It would take a bit of time, but it's doable. Just keep in mind that if I copy builds, they might not fit nicely into a new area. Of course with the diamond factory this doesn't really matter since it's all underground. But if anyone wants to move their house this is something to keep in mind. You may have to clean it up afterwards :)

Moving chests is much easier. I was thinking of moving everybody's chests to spawn. Then everybody goes off and find a new place to build, and then move their chests there. With a little help this is then just a matter of TP-ing a couple of times.

23rd December 2012, 13:19
I asked Dom about this awhile ago and he said we should move all our stuff to the nether then close the server and create a new overworld.

23rd December 2012, 14:08
In my opinion, I think that we should just install the new features and see if the world will generate correctly. If it does not, then we should try to use some of the methods described above. Dont worry about the Diamond Factory guys... I'm not even done with it and it will only take about 20 minutes to tear it down and about the same time to build it again (after I find another blaze spawner)

I really dont want to have to mess with people's stuff and hope that the newly generated chunks will have the new features in it. We can even have a nice community project of making a portal system to the New World, that sounds fun!

But if things dont go as planned... I would like the PLAYERS to be responsible for safeguarding their things from a potential Overworld reset (enderchest, nether, etc.). This could be accomplished over a period of 3 days so that everyone has the oportunity to get their stuff out. I know this might be a long proccess, but I know you dont want WorldEdit to mess with your builds ;)

Have fun y'all! LATERZ!


23rd December 2012, 21:31
I think Dom's idea is the best one yet but then again moving all our stuff to the nether... ill be fine with that too either way i just dont want to lose all my stuff :)

24th December 2012, 13:54
to be honest i don't care what happens to my stuff ...as this has just been a learning curve for me ( often learning not to open doors with lasers in hand ...and connecting high voltage to low voltage stuff {death count 7 to date lol } ) but i do worry about the others so what ever you deside on im fine wwith that ...and just one suggestion that Dom made i think should use the mindcrack pack for the new run ...sounds like good idea to me:o but what ever happens i will be starting from scratch :cool:

27th December 2012, 23:31
I was looking on the FTB forums today and I found this:

The future of Feed The Beast (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/the-future-of-feed-the-beast.4314/#post-60689)

I think we should move to the MindCrack Pack on the FTB server. This may mean that we need to start a new map. We will see tho. J has already seen the article and will start the process when he can. I don't see an immediate rush for it tho, especially if we need to start over.

What are your thoughts? Should we just start over anyways? Or should we try to keep the current map and generate new chunks? Should we do the Nether idea?

(I personally would not mind starting over again, but its up to you guys)


27th December 2012, 23:36
I think we should start again but use the Direwolf20 pack, or if we do use the Mindcrack pack turn hard mode off. I don't mind gregtech but I think it just makes industrialcraft not industrialcraft.

27th December 2012, 23:55
I think we should start again but use the Direwolf20 pack, or if we do use the Mindcrack pack turn hard mode off. I don't mind gregtech but I think it just makes industrialcraft not industrialcraft.

I completely disagree. I like the difficulty of GreggTech and the configs are perfect for the other mods in my opinion.

28th December 2012, 00:01
But industrialcraft with gregtech just isn't industrialcraft it does have the same feel to it.

I'm not saying its a bad thing but your like 1 in every 20 people that don't lie gregtech in the moding community

28th December 2012, 00:03
But industrialcraft with gregtech just isn't industrialcraft it does have the same feel to it.

Yeah, but it makes the game much harder, which is much more fun to play, I love the challenge of a hard game.

There is a poll posted in this tread now. Please vote :)

28th December 2012, 00:09
I like to make massive builds and adding gregtech makes it MUCH harded

28th December 2012, 00:36
In the poll I think you should have a option; Non of the above. And they should put what they think in the comments.

28th December 2012, 00:39
These are suggestions, based on what we have all talked about in the past and on the spirit of the game

28th December 2012, 10:45
I voted for "Update to MIndCrack Pack and start over" for 2 reasons:

1. I think it's best to stick to an unmodified release as much as possible because that will make updating in the future easier and faster hopefully.
2. The map on the current server is unbalanced. (See the movie I posted earlier if don't know what I'm talking about.)They have changed mods around to fix this, and I would therefore like to play on a brand new 'fixed' map.

As for the discussion about industrialcraft and GreggTech. I don't even know what those are so I'll just stay quiet and leave that discussion to the experts ;)

28th December 2012, 14:04
I voted for "Update to MIndCrack Pack and start over" for 2 reasons:

1. I think it's best to stick to an unmodified release as much as possible because that will make updating in the future easier and faster hopefully.

What do you mean by an unmodified release?

28th December 2012, 14:15
One in which we do not alter the configuration in any way. So for me, from a server admin standpoint, that would mean simply download the package and run the .jar file.

Of course I'd have to change the default server port/name/MOTD in the server.properties file, but other then that I'd prefer not to make any changes. Because changes are something someone will have to remember for when the next update comes along. And that someone will probably have to be me. And then I'd have to figure out if the changes make sense/work with a new update.

But like I said before, if you guys want something else I will facilitate it :)

28th December 2012, 14:37
If new mods are not added then all you have to do is copy the "mods" folder into the server then run because the configs will be the same and if new mods are added then just find the configs for that mod which are normally named after the mod and copy them into the "config" folder. New mods won't be added every update or three so it wont be that much hassel really. Also the item ID's wont change, they have confirmed that all ID's will be the same from now on.

30th December 2012, 21:11
Is the new FTB server on hard mode

30th December 2012, 22:07
I used the server.properties file from the previous server so yes it is. I'll change it to normal now :)

30th December 2012, 22:25
Ok, thank you

30th December 2012, 23:43
NO!!! I like hard...

31st December 2012, 00:13
NO!!! I like hard...

Im so childish but this made me laugh so hard ( excuse the pun ) ....but I do agree hard or its just no challenge and my opinion was mindcrack pack and whatever happens to the map I will except ....such a shame Dom will lose so much yet will gain so much ..I also think we should do community spawn village/town and work together as well as our own plots

31st December 2012, 06:28
I vote for Wordie's idea.

COMMUNITY! (l^.^)/

31st December 2012, 13:07
I guess I will get started on that soon... Since I'm the guy who makes the community projects... Today I might not be on because of New Year's Eve, but I will try to map out a good town and Nether Station. I think that I will need to do some research into the mods that I want to use for the transportation.

1st January 2013, 07:11
Well, there has been some disagreement about GregTech. It seems a lot of us users have grown lazy. XD

I don't see what's wrong with it... I'd be surprised if I'm not the person with the most electric stuffy stuff. Miles and I have had a great start so far. Well, I think Miles has... Haven't seen his area yet, but his chatting seems so.

4th January 2013, 23:35
I guess I will get started on that soon... Since I'm the guy who makes the community projects... Today I might not be on because of New Year's Eve, but I will try to map out a good town and Nether Station. I think that I will need to do some research into the mods that I want to use for the transportation.

i will be on to help you as soon as poss mate ...but but of a relapse ( sliding down stairs on backside is not good idea especially after surgery on it [ I slipped half way down] so stuck in bed ...) but as soon as can get to PCM and keyboard and mouse will do a I can to help