View Full Version : Keep getting hacked and thinking that that is supspicious.

31st December 2012, 22:00
hi this is qlx_extron i keep getting hacked and idk why someone keeps hacking me and i hate it either minecraft servers are crashing my account and by accident or something idk but if u guys can please help me in some way getting a new account somehow i'd love that and ill be back when i can get a new account again and i think that something with minecraft servers are having an over load and accounts are crashing . but if u can help me get a new account that would be very grateful and i dont want to start any arguements so if u cant help its ok but i really want to get back on the server and play with this amazing community DOM or Black_steel has created.


1st January 2013, 00:55
Did you find any useful information on Mojang's website? They have a section about securing your Minecraft account :)


Can you still log in to your account? If so, then change your password and change the email address that is associated with your account. Also change the password on that email address.

Did you migrate your Minecraft account yet? If not, read how to do it on that website and then do it.

If you keep getting hacked, you are either using a very easy to guess password. Or you are using an easy to guess security question/answer. Make sure you change them to something random that has nothing to do with your favorite ... anything!

Another possibility is that your PC is infected with key logger software that simply sends everything you type to bad people who go and steal your account. Are you running a virus scanner? Is it up to date? Would you consider re-installing Windows on your PC?

I hope you can do something with the suggestions above. We'd love to see you get more active again :) If you need more help or want to discuss further, don't hesitate!

1st January 2013, 07:07
Remember: For passwords, DO NOT USE GUEST!