View Full Version : Ad space

19th March 2012, 20:48
I added the ad to the forum. its to try to pay for everything cuz im not making much from youtube anymore (no new vids). I dont want to have to make people feel obligated to donate anymore cuz it just feels wrong. ALSO the ads are sometimes really useful. I found the host website from forum ads...

19th March 2012, 21:49
Ads make the Internet go wrrrr...

/me approves

21st March 2012, 10:47
Was it really necessary to get a "Singles.net" add though? Lol

The ad is based on what google wants YOU to see.

21st March 2012, 14:45
Meaning: you've probably been looking at pr0n too much ;)

22nd March 2012, 01:23
Was it really necessary to get a "Singles.net" add though? Lol

The ad is based on what google wants YOU to see.

Muslim dating was showing on mine yesterday ...errr what :D:D

22nd March 2012, 01:34
I got one for a sperm bank. lol

22nd March 2012, 01:55
I Got a Tech Support ad and asked a guy named andy what a floppy disc was and alot of other stuff lol :) And Response to wordie i got an ad to this asian dating website lol so yea.

22nd March 2012, 10:28
Ads so bad it's almost funny.... interesting.

Maybe this forum will go down in history as the place people went to for the ads ;)

22nd March 2012, 20:55
just blocked sensitive ads like dating, suggestive themes, etc. Trying to make the site better for every1

24th March 2012, 20:47
HAHA. since I've blocked the bad dating sites revenue has dropped by 50%. hahaha

24th March 2012, 20:53
HAHA. since I've blocked the bad dating sites revenue has dropped by 50%. hahaha

You can put them back for me mate ...but for the little ones its not good viewing :D

16th July 2012, 05:57
Sorry for hijacking the thread for almost 4 months later but i saw this today and made me laugh....


There Quote is "Calvary of Black Steel".
I saw it on the Adspace thing lol xD

16th July 2012, 06:18
Thats funny.

18th July 2012, 15:41
Lol. I didn't even notice the ads until reading this forum :P