View Full Version : Why oh why ..is it just me with bad luck

10th February 2013, 16:21
Just letting everyone know why not been on since Tuesday and won't be on till next weekend at least

anyone who knows about my luck with water cooling and pc's will know that I'm very unlucky

well it's not that this time it's my motherboard this time and I'm hoping it is just that ,due to cash flow problems having to make do with low spec stuff and unfortunately it's not built to last ...so on 3rd board 3rd CPU and poss 5th gfx card in 6 months so as can I again not happy bunny anyway ..hopefully by end of this week coming I should have some sort of system up and running ...I'm trying to do admin stuff from iPad but its hard work and very awkward so maybe struggling this week
i am posting on the happydiggers Facebook and twitter pages so come along join up and hopefully can keep you informed of what's going on ...even when the forums are down ...hope to see you online soon and please break a few blocks for me as withdrawal symptoms are killing me lol

13th February 2013, 16:35
Man that sucks :(

Maybe it's time to let someone else assemble your PC? Those failure rates are way above avarage... Just pay a shop an hours wage and they'll assemble it and you'll get warranty on parts and labor :)

Hope to see you in-game soon. It's lonely being the only admin left standing ;)

13th February 2013, 16:57
Yes we falling like flies ...as for pc im going to have to organise a fund raiser at this rate as so skinti lol ....need
to pay for new PC so can use it for charity work then rest to goo towards bowel cancer research

13th February 2013, 17:35
*cough* ass cancer *cough*

13th February 2013, 18:58
I thought we had decided the official term was "butt cancer"? :B

If it'll help, you can have the old server hardware. It's not high-end anymore, but it'll still run Minecraft quite well. It's got an Asus P5QWS (http://www.asus.com/Motherboard/P5Q_WS/) Workstation motherboard which has regular PCI, PCI-x and PCI-e slots. It was a truly awesome motherboard back then. It's also got a Core2Quad @ 3GHz, 8 or 16GB RAM(not sure what's in there right now), and an Nvidia 9800GT. It's all assembled in a PC case with hard drive, DVD player and PSU so you can't destroy it yourself unless you open the case... which you aren't allowed to do anymore :P

If you want it, just let me know where to send it :)

14th February 2013, 23:29
Wow, if you look up "generous" in a dictionary you find a picture of J.

And I thought my luck was bad. First getting butt sickness, and now a broken computer. You need to get a genie to give you wishes.

16th February 2013, 13:32
I thought we had decided the official term was "butt cancer"? :B

If it'll help, you can have the old server hardware. It's not high-end anymore, but it'll still run Minecraft quite well. It's got an Asus P5QWS (http://www.asus.com/Motherboard/P5Q_WS/) Workstation motherboard which has regular PCI, PCI-x and PCI-e slots. It was a truly awesome motherboard back then. It's also got a Core2Quad @ 3GHz, 8 or 16GB RAM(not sure what's in there right now), and an Nvidia 9800GT. It's all assembled in a PC case with hard drive, DVD player and PSU so you can't destroy it yourself unless you open the case... which you aren't allowed to do anymore :P

If you want it, just let me know where to send it :)

that is amazing I would quite happily pay for postage and a large donation towards the servers for that as at the moment my options are looking like having to splice a Sinclair zx81 with a Texas instramants calculator and a old fruit basket lol ...and I agree demman I just checked and there is a picture of j ....need to make a statue to him and Dom in the town when I get back online ....