View Full Version : New Grief Report

27th March 2012, 03:32


Thanks Anthony :D[hr]
I was not the only victim.


16th May 2012, 00:03
Haha, I remember another server where Anthony and I ran around stealing people's craft tables and furnaces. (not doms server) and we ended up with like 2 stacks of each lol.

16th May 2012, 00:20
Haha, I remember another server where Anthony and I ran around stealing people's craft tables and furnaces. (not doms server) and we ended up with like 2 stacks of each lol.

And on the first one you griefed my castle 3 times, stole my stuff, and lava trapped my spawn! How fun!

16th May 2012, 08:49
Not again....

Majiman, Anthony1617, Valynarz, and Alex9906 all use the same IP. Last time Majiman's brother griefed we banned the whole lot. After a lot of words we finally unbanned their shared IP and Majiman's Minecraft account. I didn't know someone had also unbanned Anthony1617, Valynarz, and Alex9906. Those 3 accounts shouldn't have been unbanned. They have just been banned again.

Also, I would like an explanation from Majiman. This time I'm expecting you to film how you punch your brother in the face and put it on youtube :p

16th May 2012, 17:35
j, this was from like 2 months ago..

16th May 2012, 17:39
Well don't I look stupid now? :B

I will use my powers to lock this thread and pretend this never happened!