View Full Version : Fusion Reactor

26th March 2013, 12:28
Last night I've started building the parts we need for a fusion reactor. Right now the fusion reactor block is done. That leaves the reactor coils and the factory needed to supply the reactor with fuel... basically the most expensive parts of the system ;)

I've added 4 more quarries this morning to help get us the much needed rubies. This morning there were 2600 in storage and we need around 3600 if I recall correctly.

On the previous map I used deuterium and tritium as fuel but those are a bit of a pain to make. There were some other ideas as well but I forgot what those were so if anyone would be so kind as to refresh my memory?

We'll also be needing another factory building to house everything. It has to be pretty big, at least the same floor surface area as all the floor of the house have combined. Any volunteers? I still like the house we have right now so I wouldn't mind if we continue in that style :)

And we also need to figure out how we're going to use all the power from the fusion reactor. Do we want to make a high capacity EU storage system as well?

26th March 2013, 12:48
Maybe use the hole-of-a-mountain biome to build a place to put the reactor, and from there use inter-dimensional energy storage units to transport it. Very expensive, but might save us from any additional lag at spawn and gives the crater a use...

Yeah, I know. Probably not going to happen. :P

As for using the power, I can't think of anything other than hooking it up to a bunch of Matter Fabricators.

26th March 2013, 12:58
Where is this hole-of-a-mountain biome you speak of? Got a dynmap link maybe?

As for very expensive inter dimensional energy storage: I really like those but they are limited to only 2048EU/t. So we'd need 32 of those just to get all the power from the fusion reactor into the house :D

Sverf and I are currently using quite a bit of power on our suits which carry about 13.000.000 EU and drain really fast. And others have voiced their interest in this kind of armor as well so I think we'll be making more in the near future :)

26th March 2013, 14:57
Get the fusion reactor ready because I will drain lots of power with my arsenal ;).

27th March 2013, 06:41
The quarry hole you've made at the Red Mountain Biome.

And I have no idea what armour you're talking about. Care to fill me in? :P

27th March 2013, 08:26
Oooooh that hole :)

Fusion reactors don't really blow up like nuclear reactors, so we don't have to put them far far away or in a deep hole really. But spawn is getting pretty heavy on the client side. Dom even went in denial saying that his PC was fast enough, even though his framerates were poor ;)

The armor I was talking about is the GraviChestPlate. It pretty much makes you indestructible. You can go swim in lava, stand in a creeper hole, get attacked by zombies for 15 minutes before noticing they somehow spawned inside the house... And it gives you creative mode flight. The only down side is that is needs a lot of EU to power the suit. 15 minutes of flying costs 10.000.000 EU :B

27th March 2013, 10:19
If Dom's computer is starting to have trouble than maybe it is a good idea to build the reactor in the quarry hole. Everyone with average computers are going be struggling to play if the lag gets worse. :S

Also, I'm going to guess that you've looked at Ultimate Solar Helmets? If you can afford the chestplates, you can afford the helms.

27th March 2013, 10:44
Yes we've looked into those. But I spend most of my time in places where the sun doesn't shine.... wait that came out wrong :B

What I mean is I'm often in Twilight, Nether, The End or inside the house. I don't get out much so I need something else to charge the suit with :)

Anyway, we can just put the reactor a little bit outside the house. It doesn't have to be far away. Just move away from the house and after about 100 blocks or so you hardly notice any slowdown because of the house.

27th March 2013, 12:22
Well even in the dark those helms still do 64 eu/t like the solar panels themselves? It will help for sure :)

With respect to fusion recipes, found these:

Output EU/t
Ticks per Cycle
EU Output/cycle

40 million

60 million

90 million
Iridium Ore

80 milion
Platinum Dust

Maybe making that helium3 is easier then tritium. Didnt you get it from endstone dust? Also gives twice as much per cycle.

Shopping list to make the coils:
24 fusion coil

96 highly advanced machineblocks
384 Titanium Ingot (http://ftbwiki.org/Titanium_Ingot)
384 Chrome Ingot (http://ftbwiki.org/Chrome_Ingot)
96 Steel Machine Hull (http://ftbwiki.org/Steel_Machine_Hull) or Advanced Machine Block (http://ftbwiki.org/Advanced_Machine_Block)
48 tesla coils
240 Redstone (http://ftbwiki.org/Redstone)
48 MV Transformer (http://ftbwiki.org/MV_Transformer)
48 Electronic Circuit
(http://ftbwiki.org/Electronic_Circuit) 96 Refined Iron (http://ftbwiki.org/Refined_Iron)
24 energy flow circuits
24 Laptron Crystal
24 Platinum Ingot
24 advanced Circuits
24 superconductors
8 gold Ingot
16 Glass Fibre Cable
48 superconductor Cover
32 Iridium Plates
64 Advanced Alloy
48 Carbon Plate
24 iridium neutron reflector
192 thick neutron reflector
768 neutron reflector
3072 Tin Dust
3072 Coal Dust
768 Dense Copper Plate
6144 Copper
192 berylium cells
24 iridium plates

27th March 2013, 12:47
We might be able to use endstone to start things off with helium-3. We could simply mine the main island. That should burn for quite a while then :)

We currently have about 3300 rubies out of 3600 needed for the chrome. But we need to get started on gathering bauxite ore, we're almost out. So titanium still has a long way to go before we're ready to build.

I'm guessing the environmentalists aren't going to be happy about what what I'm going to do to Twilight soon ;)

28th March 2013, 00:54
A way to charge your gravichest plates and jet packs or and ic2 tool is to build a charge station that you can put what ever into an ender pouch and that will get pulled out and charged then put back into the ender pouch.