View Full Version : Weird coversations - (Follow up on post 'Glitch')

2nd April 2013, 02:04

Sorry if I'm overreacting but here is a follow up to the post I submitted earlier titled 'Glitch'. I don't think it is a glitch anymore. I can't be sure though. I have attached some pictures to the conversation I had with the two players who were far far away from spawn. They told me RJ teleported them to their position because they kept getting griefed. I told them grief isn't even allowed on the server and that the moderators check up on grief, ban players and do roll backs where necessary. I think the players were frustrated that I was on to them lol. I could be completely reading the situation wrong but I just thought I should let you know anyway.



2nd April 2013, 22:22
Noobminer established that place a few days ago. Being an admin he can just /tp 95,000 70 95,000 and teleport to the coordinates. That is why there are no boat trails reveled on the map.

2nd April 2013, 22:47
Noobminer and RJS are moderators, not admin. I don't think they can teleport themselves or anyone else. If moderators can TP then I need to change some permissions :B

So am I wrong and did RJS actually teleport them? Or is there something funny going on?

3rd April 2013, 01:08
I indeed tped him to me, i did not know they we were not allowed to use that command and am truly sorry if i caused any other problems i found the island one day when i was testing out the commands i could use, i was planning on living there but decided to let my friend dothecreeper12 live there, as for angrypookie2000 im not sure how he got there, other then a town being made there. i can a sure you that dothecreeper12 is not a hacker, and has never caused any problems in the past.

3rd April 2013, 20:21
I'm sorry I doubted him :(

3rd April 2013, 22:46
Well I knew an admin had to do a loc tp to get there, I've tried it in the past to tp to location but was denied. I thought noob did it because one night he was on and I went to see were he was and he was in that area, "this is the first time I seen the far away establishment". That is all the info I have to share on the subject.

4th April 2013, 10:48
TD, don't feel bad. You did the right thing by reporting something that looked unusual so you weren't overreacting at all. One tip though: next time just report it and don't go in-game telling the people you're reporting them. People don't tend to like that ;)

RJS, don't worry about it. The way I see it you helped out a couple of players and made the game more enjoyable for them. Which made me think, mabe we should give moderators access to such commands. Marius tends to overdo it by spawning tons of Withers on the server, but I'm sure we can find some kind of balance here :)

I'll start a thread in our private area so we can discuss this.

4th April 2013, 11:00
Actually they are zombies but what can i say people enjoy surviving a zombie apocalypse ^^