Mod name: InGameInfoXML by Lunatrius (originally by bspkrs)

Mod website/forum post: (url)

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: It's basically an onscreen information mod that allows a player formatable text version of F3 and item durability to be displayed without all the extra cruft in the way. Requires LunatriusCore, which is already on your whitelist. No server-side supported needed at all.

Mod name: fpsplus by Abandenz

Mod website/forum post: (url)

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Small collection of java optimizations (especially with sin/cos functions) that can (sometimes) make a significant difference in fps in minecraft, especially on slower machines; again, no server-side support is required. Plays well with fastcraft (they don't address the same problems).

Mod name: Tabbychat by Killjoy1021 (originally by RocketMan10404)

Mod website/forum post: (url):

Why do you want us to allow this mod?: Enhanced chat, and I wouldn't be playing SMP if it wasn't for chatting. Gives extended, configurable scrollback, allows whispers and system messages to be automatically broken out into their own tabs, allows spam filtering and gives the ability to block annoying players' chats. My favourite chat mod. I prefer the liteloader version, but since liteloader isn't whitelisted, I can live with the FML version. Client-side only.

Thank you for your consideration,
