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  1. #41
    There should be a few blocks that allow the player to walk faster on them (IE: brownstone). If we could make the main paths out of those blocks and run a curb, I think that would look nice.

  2. #42
    Think brownstone needs 1 ingot of tin for 9 blocks of brownstone, and gravel, think there quit a bit of it in the system.

  3. #43
    I've created a building for the Refined Storage system. It was in the way of Dom's build and we were getting hammered by mobs so it needed a more secure location.

    There are a couple of Wireless Grids people can use to connect to the system wirelessly. They need to be linked to the controller block by shift right clicking it. They can be charged in either the bat box or the capacitor that are both next to one of the doors.

    Linking other buildings/locations to the Refined Storage network should be done wirelessly. This costs more power but reduces the amount of cables required which should help us out in the long run. See DOM's build as an example of this.

    I've also set up a flux network. This will remove the need for power cables/conduits for the most part. They are expensive, but they offer quite a few features we can use. For now, there's only 1 network "HappyDiggers" which is set to public. Every power producing machine can be hooked up to this by means of a Flux Plug which sends energy to the wireless network. On the receiving sides, we use a Flux Point which receives energy. Most RF powered machines should accept Flux Points as a valid power source. I've noticed that IC2 machines do not since they don't use RF but EU. However, the power storage devices of IC2 do accept the Flux Points. This means that I can put a Flux Point on a bat box, cesu, mfe, mfsu, etc. which can in turn power a bunch of IC2 machines.

    The flux network has another advantage over the various power systems we have. It can store power directly in the network. this means we can store power in a central location and distribute it to where ever we may need it. Of course, we'll still have local buffers of various types of energy storage. But a large part can be done in "the cloud".

    DOM already noticed this, but it seems more prevalent with the use of wireless energy: the EnderIO power conduits are unreliable. They work for a while and then seem to freeze. You then need to destroy/place the conduits to make them work again. For this reason, I suggest we stop using any EnderIO power system. Just like we did on the AMP for Minecraft 1.5.2 server.

  4. #44
    Would it be ok to pair this with the laser power ones? Ie use the flux to get it to a building then use the lasers to disiminate it to machines in that building?

  5. #45
    If that's how you want to do it, sure. Just keep in mind that you're adding an extra layer of energy transport to the system. Sometimes this is optional, sometimes it's required. Right now I'm not sure which is more expensive to make: energy laser relay or flux point.

  6. #46
    FYI, if you use the process grid to make a pattern that uses a crafting table layout, it will not work (maybe is it was hooked to a crafting table?) and will display "machine in use" on the crafting monitor. Network cards where this way, fixed it. Also can reuse patterns to make new ones if they don't work

  7. #47
    Lazy Idle Couch Potato Heptagon_ru's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Russia, near Moscow
    Had an inspiring talk with J about the new AMP, so after encouraging "no, you don't" and "no, they won't" I feel more comfortable joining

    It seems all my FTB knowledge from AMP 1.9.6 is void, don't see much similar mods

    For now I see 2 projects I could do.

    First is a tavern-kitchen, teaming with Mupje. A wooden building on short posts, of dark brownish color with some brighter ceiling maybe. With a nice room for preparing food and a room for consuming food, so folks could drop in passing by and grab a bite. Food can be partly on the tables (if we have Bibliocraft-like things), partly in fridges, etc. Food like vanilla MC cakes for quick grabbing could be nice.
    Yes, later food will be available via ender chests, but it still could be a useful building.
    Raw food income could be through enderchest from farms. Some small farms can be around the tavern.

    So Mupje, what plans do you have about kitchen and food producing and distribution? Does my project fit any?

    Second is some kind of armory, i.e a room with a spare armor and shared tools. So newcomers can visit and gear up, and when the tinker-smith (e.g. RX afaik) makes new tier of tools and weapons for everyone, he places them there for everyone to grab.
    Or when someone dies and respawns, he/she can grab the spare set and safely go get his grave stuff.
    Something simple, like an open gazebo, but with half of the walls solid, for hanging tools.
    Some power stand for charging armors I guess (no idea about modern armors).

    Sounds good? Or this functionality is planned via some other means with all that automated storage?

    [+] Can we enable support of dynmap signs? So players can mark places of interest themselves? Like here (permissions for enablesigns).
    Last edited by Heptagon_ru; 20th December 2016 at 08:07.

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by DOM View Post
    There should be a few blocks that allow the player to walk faster on them (IE: brownstone). If we could make the main paths out of those blocks and run a curb, I think that would look nice.
    Sample paths are laid out. let me know which wins the vote and i'll gather materials. If we can sag mill a ton of cobble it should limit the desert destruction i have already started...oops.

    I've relegated myself to miner and now have fortune 3 on my drill. next will be bigger batteries which i can do tomorrow np. it will chew up 8ml RF however and i'd could use my makeshift power station but that may take a bit.

    oh yeah added 128 blocks of redstone for you guys to go nuts on. i have reserve of basic anything. if you need something let me know.

  9. #49
    The main goal of the block shop (watermill) was to get all of the basic building blocks processed from cobblestone. I will get gravel and sand set up tonight or tomorrow. The cobble generator outside of the building (with the minecart under it) is fully automatic, no power required. So until I get the shop set up, take what you need.

  10. #50
    Hep, making armor and tools is on the list and no one has taken it yet, looks like its yours
    Would look good I think to have a building with armor, could make a display of the armors and have storage set next to them for people to grab from maybe?

    For the autocrafting, the ender io machines do they stay at the mill or could they be put in the storage area?

    I could work on that, I know a way to automate the atomic rec for the aa stuff, would like to have automation going good before doing the tier 5 mek ore set up.

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