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  1. #1
    Moderator Elbe97's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Prague, Czech Republic

    [Freebie TFC] Bukkit TPS Decrease

    Hello everyone!

    We have been experiencing quite noticeable delay on the freebie TFC server today. It started about at 1pm CET today, 15/7, when i joined first time in the afternoon. It started off with disconnects and putting players to lobby which usually happened when there had been 7+ players on at the same time. I have waited a bit to submit this forum post, hoped it would settle down as usual without a need for investigation.

    Today, the server started to decrease bukkit TPS (/tps command showed me stable values around 12 at approx. 3pm). Bukkit TPS visible from the TAB page fluctuated in between 18 and 3, usually below 10. This was happening when about 5-7 people were connected in various locations around the map, no harsh actions like explosions or large cave-ins were happening as far as I am informed.

    Could anyone try to look into this, please? Perhaps a server restart would fix that

    Thanks for reading,
    bets regards,
    My common IGNs: Elbe97 / Elborax / Elbor

    THe FouR HoRSeMeN oF THe aPoCaLYPSe:

  2. #2
    Thanks for reporting this issue.

    The Bukkit TPS isn't always 100% accurate. In best of times it trails behind the Forge TPS a bit, and at worst it's what you reported. So what's going on?

    Take a look at this screenshot:
    Name:  2017-07-16_13.35.07.png
Views: 231
Size:  272.7 KB

    Here you see Bukkit TPS at 2.5. In the command output below you see the result of /forge tps. This tells a more accurate story of how the server is currently performing. Unfortunately because of the magic glue code used in KCauldron and BungeeCord proxy, this Bukkit TPS sometimes goes out of whack. A TPS of 2.5 would be completely unplayable. So if you see a really low Bukkit TPS value and you can more or less play normally, then what I just described above is happening.

    It's nothing to be worried about, it's a cosmetic glitch. A restart of BungeeCord and the FreebieTFC server should be enough to solve it. Unfortunately when we restart BungeeCord everybod gets disconnected from all our servers. The idea is that when we restart the FreebieTFC server we can move people to the Lobby server, and once FreebieTFC is back we can move people there again. This is less disruptive than simply disconnecting everyone. But in this case we don't really have a choice. This issue will never get fixed since the BungeeCord and KCauldron people are no longer maintaining these older version of Minecraft that we use for TFC.

    I've restarted the servers manually. They should be back in about five minutes or so.

    That just leaves the issue where people got disconnected. I think the FreebieTFC server currently does not receive a daily restart like it did before. This has to do with the way backups are done. Perhaps Sverf could tell us more about this. At any rate, it's something we have to get back in order. TFC needs daily restarts.

    This is what things look like after a restart:
    Name:  2017-07-16_13.45.47.png
Views: 210
Size:  265.7 KB

  3. #3
    Moderator Elbe97's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Prague, Czech Republic
    Thanks for the explanation, J.
    I've just ran /tps command, so I connected the delay issues right to the Bukkit TPS shown in TAB as it was fluctuating (everyone including me had problems with breaking blocks, smithing, item movement, also chat was slightly delayed). Everything runs smoothly again; such daily restarts sound nice. Thanks again for fixing
    My common IGNs: Elbe97 / Elborax / Elbor

    THe FouR HoRSeMeN oF THe aPoCaLYPSe:

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