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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Thanatosll View Post
    Is the world tied to the dynmap white list only or is it not open yet?
    It's not open for the public yet. Once it opens the whitelist will be disabled.

    There are still a few kinks to iron out before we open the new server. Most notably we need a few plugins to update to 1.18 because right now they're not functioning properly.

  2. #22
    Due to reasons we didn't reboot the public Minecraft server with 1.18. I've done some more thinking about what I'd like to do with this server and I think I've figured it out.

    I'm going to generate a new map with the 1.20 version. Then I'm going to create a spawn area that only has 1 exit, a portal. This portal will lead to the starting point of the current version. Then when a new Minecraft version comes around, I'll move the exit point to a new unexplored area on the map. This way players can choose if they want to keep their current towns or move.

    The reason for having a spawn area is that I'd like to add a server marketplace there. But I don't want to redo spawn every time a major new Minecraft version comes along, hence the exit portal at spawn. With the upcoming 1.20 update it seems there are a lot of interesting armor customization options that require exploration to gain certain items. Being a public server some rare items will become increasingly difficult to find. Also some people just don't have the time or energy to go out and explore a lot and would rather just pay diamonds. The video below shows the new options I'm talking about:

    As for the new map, I'm thinking about recycling our (very) old Minecraft 1.3 map. That is not a typo, our oldest surviving map is from Minecraft 1.3. I'll build the spawn area (or copy/paste the stuff DOM made) there with the exit a couple of few thousand blocks outside of the old map and then have a world guard region message letting players know they are in the old area. Players can go and explore the old Minecraft world if they like, or move on to the new world. I will not protect the old world and the builds in the old world. Stuff in chests will be up for grabs. We may ask players to be respectful of the old stuff but not enforce grief/theft for the old builds. Just think of them as ruins of an ancient civilization that have loot

  3. #23
    Sounds like a great plan J. I don't mind leaving behind old builds, but I do love the time capsule approach to be able to "visit".

    Also, I really dont remember the 1.3 spawn area... Are you sure I had built that?

  4. #24
    I was talking about the new spawn area for the currently-not-released 1.18 world. The one with the town, the market and the big ship.

    The 1.3 world doesn't have a spawn area build as far as I could tell. It was from when we had the here-is-a-wold-have-fun approach

    This is what spawn on the 1.3 world looks like:

    Keep in mind that there was no grief protection yet. We had Lockette for chest and other container protection and that's about it. So players would move away from spawn. I just found my old base at 25k blocks south of spawn. The older Minecraft versions really were a trip. Very few blocks to build with, few biomes, can't run, can't fly. It was quite the adventure


  5. #25
    Oh wow that 1.3 map is a throwback for sure. Also, I am happy that we might get some use out of the town/market that I worked on, especially if you wanted to set up traders.

  6. #26
    I'm working on updating the old world to 1.20.1. But before I do that I need to fill the space below Y:0 with air. Or rather, update to 1.20.1, add air and mark the chunks as fully generated so the deepslate layer will not be added to the old Minecraft 1.3 chunks. If that makes sense.

    It's a bit of a process to do and I could use a faster PC for sure since this is taking hours. Oh well.

    New 1.20.1 public Minecraft server is coming. Soon-ish

  7. #27
    Keep up the good work (both AMD and J) . This might be my new play place when it's running. Excited for a vanilla-like experience again.

  8. #28
    We've tried the Minecraft 1.3 world and it wasn't great. I already knew a lot of chunks were badly corrupted when I started the salvage process a while ago. But it seems a lot of bases just got cut in half and it was more depressing than fun to see those builds like that.

    So we've decided to skip the MC 1.3 world and start with a brand new world. Hopefully the last one we'll ever generate. The plan is still to move spawn every time a new Minecraft version with significant worldgen changes come out.

    DOM and I have pasted in a spawn building, did some cleaning up, configure plugins, added a trader for the new finite smithing items and some general testing.

    The server now has a ticket system and Grim Anticheat. Also we encountered a lot of server crashes. Switching Java from OpenJDK to Adptium seems to have improved the situation.

    Right now I'm generating a circle with a radius of 5000 around spawn. Other than that I won't pre-generate chunks. So players can go out and discover the world for themselves

    Progress has been made and things are looking up.

  9. #29
    The server is up and running.

    I have removed the white-list so anyone can join the server. There are still a few things to tweak and tinker with but overall the base server functionality is solid. I'll keep the server running like this for a few days and then I'll make a news post and see if we can get some more attention for it.

    To help draw some more attention and to award players on the server I'm thinking about adding votifier rewards. This means if you vote on one of the server listing websites you get an in-game award. Right now I'm thinking about doing it the same way as we did on the TerriaFirmaCraft server. Players get in-game currency which can only be used to buy additional Towny plots.

    Right now the server's economy is 100% barter. Which means you trade items to get other items. I think I'd like to keep it that way. But I'm open to ideas. What else could we use in-game currency for? (Other than the obvious server shops. Also we will never have a server shop where you can spend real-world money to get in-game money.)

  10. #30
    That's awesome J, love it. Thanks for working hard at this stuff for everyone to enjoy.

    Just spit balling ideas for the in-game currency, but here are some:

    - Titles/ranks, bought and applied to user to show off their game progression to other players in chat. Or just to have a fancy naming convention for enjoyment.
    - If there is a limit to resources like on TFC with animals, being able to upgrade your personal limit. Allows more dedicated players some freedom compared to those that join and never play again.
    - Any type of cosmetics would be neat, not sure how hard it would be to implement, but could be command block based. Allowing the player to buy permanent particle effects or some sort of visible change.
    - Maybe having some generic auto farms made on the server, then allowing access to those who purchase it by either use or permanent access.
    - Tradeable currency to be able to trade with other players for items or just to give it to others.

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