Dom was kind enough to compile a new version of Chunkgen which seems to be working. I started generating new chunks on a fresh map with:
/chunkgen radius ~ ~ 1000 0
At coordinates 2000, -4000. This should generate a circle with a diameter of 32.000 blocks which should be enough for us to play on since we're only doing a single base at spawn this time around.

It just started but so far things are looking good. Region files are being generated that are more than 8192 bytes in size. The process is going to take a while. After the overworld is done I also intend to pre-gen the nether and mining dimensions. Not sure yet about the dimensions druidry adds but I'm guessing we'll be wanting to go there at some point so might as well.

The other dimensions should generate a lot faster than the overworld since that uses custom terrain generation which is one of the reasons you can't play and generate new chunks at the same time.

Currently the server on my PC is: 0.001144% completed and the region files combined are: 72MB. Here's hoping we don't run into any more crashes while generating so we can get this thing up and running soon