Rule Changes to Agriculture
Currently, towns have a limit of 8 trees each, which is not enough to have one of each type of tree, or to have even fuel a larger amount of oil lamps. This issue can be fixed easily as follows.

  • Maximum amount of fruit trees be removed. Instead they can be placed on the 3 farm plots each town gets. This would allow a town to have more trees if they wanted at the sacrifice of farmland,

  • Animal pens be changed to 8x8. Most small towns don't have the room for a plot per animal. Also a 16x16 pen can be hard to fit in and still look nice in towns.

Donation benefit changes
The current benefits to donating are extremely limited. Donating allows you to simply play on happydiggers other servers. I would love to donate to happy diggers to get the benefits of the other servers, but that would mean leaving all my friends behind on the regular servers. A simple solution would be to move to a donation rank and perk system as follows.

  • Donators have no teleport cooldown on the main TFC server.
  • Higher donators can use /hat
  • Donators can give themselves nicknames.
  • Donators given access to 5 homes per donation rank