Quoted from this thread:
We'll discuss this here to keep that thread clean: just a yes/no and opinion thread

Quote Originally Posted by Dourne View Post
love the server. ready for public....soon.

since last weekend i have been having what i can only describe as latency issues. This is not lag as it is not affecting other people playing. nor do i know how to diagnose what may be causing the issue. i can say that i am rubber banding, broken blocks reappear, both with a reg pickaxe and the drill. i use the drill and wait anywhere from 5-30+ seconds for the 9 block area to catch up and disappear. sometimes the blocks broken by the drill then appear as cobble and fall. with 45%+ pickaxe i can arguably mine faster than the drill. on the previous server we had i remember mining for miles without issue i loved the drill. i dont seem to have any other issues but once it starts i end up logging due to frustration. let me know what else you may need from me.
You say it's not affecting other players. Does that mean other players standing right next to you, or players elsewhere on the server? If it's the latter then I think we should try to have someone you join and see if they lag as well.

Other than that, have you excluded the usual suspects?
  • Update graphics drivers.
  • Update Java.
  • Use OptiFine and Fastcraft.
  • Allocate 4GB of memory to TnFC's Java instance.
  • Tune down the fancy graphics a bit. Disable better leaves, particles, anti-aliasing, filtering, reduce chunk updates to 1 in Optifine, etc.

And of course, what kind of PC are you running this on?