It's been a while since the last update

Nothing much has changed hardware-wise, though we've been experiencing some problems with the new Vanilla server. The Java Virtual Machine(JVM) crashes every so often. For those that don't know Minecraft runs on Java which means it's code is processed through the JVM which translates Java code to machine code that your processor can understand. This way the developers of Minecraft (or in our case, Spigot) only have to write their code once and it can run on many platforms. Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac. If it has Java installed on it, it can probably run the code.

So the JVM crashing is a very bad thing. In the past few months the file system of the Dynmap hard drive had gotten corrupted. I've even re-rendered Dynmaps for TFC and TnFC which took weeks. All of our Dynmap tiles (images) reside on a single WD Purple drive. The drive itself reports no errors. What I'm going to do now is move the virtual hard drive in which all Dynmaps files resides from the WD Purple drive to one of the raid arrays. Then I'm going to replace the WD Purple drive with an old hard drive I have lying around. Then move the virtual hard drive to that 'new' physical drive and see if that changes anything.

Technically I could do all these changes while the server is running. But to be on the safe side I prefer to bring the server down when swapping parts and handling cables. This means there will be some down time in our future so don't worry if the servers or site is down, it's probably me working on something.