Dear HappyDiggers team,

I am SckarraA and I was banned here on June7th, 2018 for exceeding animal and farmland count after a week delay to fix it.

First, I want to emphasize the fact that the decision to ban me is quite unfair as it wasn't my role to fix the town, as a resident I didn't had the permissions to manage public facilities. This is the mayor's role and even if I was playing more than him at the time it was not a reason to ban me with him. I warned him and I guess he had reasons that made him unable to fix the town in time.

Also, I want to apologive because my attitude wasn't perfect and to this regard, I know that me and Loke we can improve ourselves and show that we deserve to play here again and continue developing our town

Thanks for reading this request, I hope for a fair verdict and wish you a great day
