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  1. #21
    Dom was kind enough to compile a new version of Chunkgen which seems to be working. I started generating new chunks on a fresh map with:
    /chunkgen radius ~ ~ 1000 0
    At coordinates 2000, -4000. This should generate a circle with a diameter of 32.000 blocks which should be enough for us to play on since we're only doing a single base at spawn this time around.

    It just started but so far things are looking good. Region files are being generated that are more than 8192 bytes in size. The process is going to take a while. After the overworld is done I also intend to pre-gen the nether and mining dimensions. Not sure yet about the dimensions druidry adds but I'm guessing we'll be wanting to go there at some point so might as well.

    The other dimensions should generate a lot faster than the overworld since that uses custom terrain generation which is one of the reasons you can't play and generate new chunks at the same time.

    Currently the server on my PC is: 0.001144% completed and the region files combined are: 72MB. Here's hoping we don't run into any more crashes while generating so we can get this thing up and running soon

  2. #22
    Update. After about 9.5 hours pre-gen is at 0.117147%. This is going to take a really long time to complete.

    My PC is currently running an Intel Core i7 4770K @4.2GHz with 16GB RAM allocated to the Minecraft server instance and it's stored on a Samsung 840 EVO SSD.

    Right now the region files are 1.83GB combined with the following files present:

    I guess that just goes to show how much of a bad idea generating chunks while playing would have been :B

    Also I'm not too sure about the size of the region files adding up. If it's roughly 1.5GB for 0.1% then it'll turn out to be a 150GB map for a circle with a 32.000 block diameter. The TFC maps which are a 80.000 x 80.000 blocks square are about 100GB. Did the region format change so much between 1.7.10 and 1.10.2? Or is it because ther are more mods present that the region files are now bigger? Or... is there something going wrong again?

  3. #23
    After a day's worth of pre-generating the process is at 0.27%. I loaded the world in MCEdit and it turns out that it started generating around 0 0 instead of where I was standing at the time. I guess that's a little regression bug in chunkgen because ~ ~ means: player coordinates.

    Right now the world is roughly 10.000 x 10.000 blocks and the island we are interested in lies in the top right corner near the edge of the map. I'll try to generate some kind of map later today.

  4. #24
    This is what the world currently being generated looks like only displaying vanilla Minecraft blocks:
    Name:  new_world.png
Views: 507
Size:  1.29 MB

    Generating that map was fun. Mcmap used 16GB RAM and produced a 250954 x 119850 image. Photoshop needed extra scratch disks just to open the file. The above image is resized down to roughly 2k x 1k.

    Anyway, the part of the map we're interested in is the top. In a top-down view it would be the top-right of the map. Right now pre-gen is at 0.377950%. I'm considering writing a program to run the Minecraft server instance and then piping teleport commands into that to teleport a player over the map to generate new chunks because this is going to take a really long time otherwise.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneJ View Post
    Anyway, the part of the map we're interested in is the top. In a top-down view it would be the top-right of the map. Right now pre-gen is at 0.377950%. I'm considering writing a program to run the Minecraft server instance and then piping teleport commands into that to teleport a player over the map to generate new chunks because this is going to take a really long time otherwise.
    Sounds like it could be much more effective, at least compared to the .27% a day.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneJ View Post
    Generating that map was fun. Mcmap used 16GB RAM and produced a 250954 x 119850 image.
    Next time try Tectonicus for map rendering. That's what I tend to use.

  7. #27
    With a small tweak to the PHP monitoring script of the FTB server I am now able to teleport a player in a grid pattern. It's teleporting my account over the map in 100 block intervals every 4 seconds. This seems to allow the server enough time to generate chunks before the area is unloaded after each consecutive teleport.

    In a few hours the map should have a new area spanning -4600, -9600 by 4600, -4500. After that I'll update Dynmap and we'll see if that's enough to get started.

  8. #28
    The overworld now has a fairly decent piece of world around the island we are interested in. I've also started pre-generating the nether but ran into a memory leak in my client. Even with 16GB allocated to Minecraft it would run out of memory every 1000x10.000 blocks or so which meant I'd have to reset the pre-gen process a bunch times to get the job done. It seems that the last couple of columns of 1000 blocks went without problems though so it might be a localized issue. The nether is getting an area covering -4750, -5500 by 5250, 4500 which is basically the area around the current spawn point on the map.

    I don't think we've ever had to go through this much trouble to pre-generate a world. But in the end it will be worth it

    Today I'll start pre-generating the mining dimension also.

    In the meantime I've been thinking about projects I'd like to do. Since I'm going to focus on IC2 and related mods mostly, I'm planning on building several fully automated nuclear reactors. They won't produce nearly as much energy as a single Big Reactor. But it'll be really cool having a bunch of those up and running and it will require quite a bit of automation to get going.

    As far as base planning goes I'm thinking of setting up a bit of a campus around a central building where everybody can reside. The outer buildings can be for the player's individual projects. The IC2 stuff will require a bit of an IC2 factory and a nuclear power plant. Jurrassic Park will require open spaces and forest/jungle, vegetable farms will either require open space or a hydroponics facility.

    The idea I have is that each building should have a specific theme rather than turning into (mini) bases for individual players. Each outer building should add to the whole of the campus for all the players. This will also require a lot of wireless technology. Pipes and wires are generally laggy. Fortunately we have a bunch of mods that can distribute power and items wirelessly. We should use those as much as possible.

    Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneJ View Post
    As far as base planning goes I'm thinking of setting up a bit of a campus around a central building where everybody can reside. The outer buildings can be for the player's individual projects. The IC2 stuff will require a bit of an IC2 factory and a nuclear power plant. Jurrassic Park will require open spaces and forest/jungle, vegetable farms will either require open space or a hydroponics facility.

    The idea I have is that each building should have a specific theme rather than turning into (mini) bases for individual players. Each outer building should add to the whole of the campus for all the players. This will also require a lot of wireless technology. Pipes and wires are generally laggy. Fortunately we have a bunch of mods that can distribute power and items wirelessly. We should use those as much as possible.

    Thoughts? Comments? Ideas?
    I agree with the vision that you have for the server. I think it will be quite fun working with fellow HappyDiggers to build one mega community base like we did in previous FTB servers. I see the "campus" as a good playground for architectural creativity and plan on capitalizing on that. Starting the campus will take lots of work, but I think that with basic supplies we can managew to have a great living space for all the players.

    I can start the process off but making a block generator service; Most common building blocks that are required for recipes can be processed from cobblestone which can be generated without mining. I will have barrels of blocks available for use for the build as soon as possible. Maybe I can even set up a crazy, rambling shopkeeper to run the warehouse for aesthetic purposes.

  10. #30
    Sounds good, so a tinkers building for the early smelteries, and a mechanism plant for the 5x processing, btw I used pipes mainly the last time for items, which mod is good for wireless item transfer? (Have been using the refined storage to pull and push items for automation of the smelteries with "wires" .

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