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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealPoker View Post
    Just to clear up one point, I play as DarkSide tribe, although haven't been active on HappyDiggers for a little while. I'm a 'moderator' rather than admin, which in Ark (unlike Minecraft) requires me to have admin access. I think I've only issued commands once under direct instruction from Jiro.
    So Darkside is a tribe, not a player? I've been going through my Steam friends list but it seems I may have accidentally removed you there in my early spring cleanup.
    So... is Darkside a tribe, not a player?

    Anyway, I'm starting to like this thread and the things Shacck sais less and less.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneJ View Post
    So Darkside is a tribe, not a player? I've been going through my Steam friends list but it seems I may have accidentally removed you there in my early spring cleanup.
    So... is Darkside a tribe, not a player?

    Anyway, I'm starting to like this thread and the things Shacck sais less and less.
    I am sorry to hear that.

  3. #13
    Lazy Idle Couch Potato Heptagon_ru's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Russia, near Moscow
    Quote Originally Posted by Shacck View Post
    Anyways, from your perspective it must look like i said
    ''Admins are not allowed to play''
    ''farming metal is impossible''
    ''I dont believe a word the admin says''
    To be honest, this is a pretty good summary of what you have written. Plus "admin must be abusing his admin power".
    Yes, you did not say it literally, but the idea from the reading is exactly like that.

    You did not start the discussion from like "Hey guys, I have a problem on Ark server, could you please help me? One tribe is so powerful I feel like it is hard to play on the server at all. But the server is very nice, so I would prefer to stay. Any advices? Let's discuss it! E.g. I have a problem getting to <this region>".

    No, you fired all guns into a particular direction: admin abuse.

    And since for everyone who frequently visits the HD forum it is a ridicilous idea and quite an offence of an elder member who is known for his dedication to HD and following+forcing the rules, the replies you got are quite expected. But they still contain most of the explanations you need.

    As for "Feel free to find another server" - please don't give a "brilliant" reaction on this "brilliant" advice.
    It's not "go away".
    It means that this server is made by certain people and has a certain type of gameplay and balance state.
    And people who play there and made the server like it as it is. And they want to keep playing this way, not just delete all their bases and riches because another player wants the server to be different and more suitable for him. Or because the map is not your favourite.
    There are other servers with different gameplay etc. Afaik tons of them. Diversity and freedom FTW!

    If you think the server has some sociological problem like that new players will have hard times and also the "old" players will loose fun because of it - make a constructive proposal. I think it is not too late to start a new discussion without all obscene words you started to use recently
    I totally missed the "respect staff and other players" angle.
    Last edited by Heptagon_ru; 6th January 2017 at 14:28.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Shacck View Post

    I never said i have a problem with an admin playing his own server.... Can you post the line where i said that? Or are you just reading into it and trying to turn me of?

    I said, ''The Tribe that i suspected of admin abusing was Firekeepers.'' .Read it.
    What does this mean?
    Does this mean i was scared Firekeepers where abusing admin rights befor getting a reply OR does it mean i dont want admins to play?

    Hmmm. Read it, please for the love of god, read the comment i made, Take it at facevalue and DONT for crying out loud read between the lines or make up things i didnt say. That is not fair to anyone involved.

    I guess you guys just hear what you want to hear. lol

    ''Feel free to find another server.'' right, i never understood why people feel the need to say such a thing.
    Isnt it obvious that i have that choice? I am in here because i would rather NOT ''find another server'' But here you are giving me the best advice. Instead of explaining it to me you simply start off with ''go find another server'' Just brilliant.

    ''If you so badly want to get into a cave I own you have options, that doesn't mean there won't be retaliation.'' This is EXACTLY why i made this post. If you, as a fully kitted out admin feel it makes sense to blcok off most locaitons and then say ppl ''can'' take them back but would have to fight you (the admin) over it... that just doesnt make sense to anyone who starts off on this server. How could you think this would work out? I mean, in theory, i am going to blow up one of your stargates to claim an area and then have you on your alpha dragon whrecking my shit a couple of days later... this is why i made this post. And you downright say ,yes you will rek my shit. GG

    All this in a game where it is literally impossible to create the perfect defence, ESPECIALLY on valhalla with underground flying bugs.

    Just to recap, not a single question i posted outside of ''Are fire keepers admin abusers'' has been answered and instead i was told to leave the server.

    You guys are truly a special community. This thread does indeed paint a picture.

    As for metal farming, yes i farmed over 125 k metal in the past couple of days. That still doesnt mean that everysingle one of my structures is metal. Logistics? Full metal bases to the extent that firekeepers have them smells of admin abuse is all i said, i never said they where. I was asking IF they where. Because by the looks of it it might aswell have been spawned in metal.

    Reading comprehension is key here.

    The way you overreacted after all i did was ask, shows that i hit some sort of nerve, if you where 100% guilt free in your own mind you wouldnt have reacted the way you did.

    Anyways, from your perspective it must look like i said
    ''Admins are not allowed to play''
    ''farming metal is impossible''
    ''I dont believe a word the admin says''

    When infact i have not said a single one of these things. You might want to stop making up stuff. Not that it matters at this point but just for other futur players who could dare to question things. Try to read what they actually said instead of coming up with your own version and putting words in their mouth. Thanks.

    Last thing ''2k hours and you're dumbfounded by metal bases?'' I explained this but...
    you have 3k hours and you chose valhalla over TheCenter.... ?!?!? Beccause you think resources are blocked off easly on TheCenter.....what....
    Come on dude, have some fucking perspective here. You are definatly not the one who should be pointing fingers like that. Not after chosing valhalla, a buggy mess, over TheCenter. I can fly inside your base for crying out loud....

    You have created the alpha dominace effect from official servers, the very thing that ruined most if not all of the offical servers befor crossark, which ruined them evenmore, was implemented. I spoke out and got nothing but scorne. What a joke.
    Yeah, I'm done dealing with you. Take the servers as is. Nothing will be changed. It's pointless to say anything as you're just looking to bait and attack.

    Also, this is your only warning for swearing.

  5. #15
    Scrap that. I don't want that person playing on my servers.

    He's discussing technicalities while he knows that the way he makes his posts are nothing short of accusing the staff of something. This definitely does not fit our first server rule: respect the staff and other players.

    He's done.

  6. #16
    Shacck has been banned on all three Ark servers.

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