Quote Originally Posted by Jiro_89 View Post
I will still need a list of the wyverns as I described in an earlier reply. I'll also need a structure breakdown of the metal base so that I can reimburse you those pieces as well.
Wyverns: lvl 88 lightning, 264 fire and poison, 288 ice. Metal base: 25 metal foundations, the walls were 9 high (for both floors, first floor 3 high, 2nd floor 6 high cause I had an industrial forge in there) so that makes 180 walls total. Then 25 ceilings for roof and 22 for second floor (total of 47 ceilings) to get to the second floor, I used 3 metal stairs to get there. If there is anything you can do about the 343.6 armor argentavis saddle, that would be awesome, if you allowed it I will get another 5k metal ingots (same price as I bought it from pizza before)

Thanks a lot for doing this