Quote Originally Posted by I didnt do it! View Post
Listen up you fat dgehk Aka de owneh of a retardid sehbeh! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!

1. Stop editigg my posts cuz dey sound more mature den you will ebeh be! Huh huh!
2. Shut up 'n talk bou' somedigg else! Huh huh!
3. DOIHH!Get a life 'n lee me alone! Huh huh!
4, GEEEHEEHEEE.I didn't get bannid de modehators webuhre t' slow 'n I left de game bef'e dey cudd ban me! Huh huh!
6. Stop editigg my profile 'n fix it! COOOL MAN!
Listen up kid, don't call my server retarded. It's not nice.

1. No, this is way too funny
2. I talk about other stuff all day long. But when I'm here, I'll talk about this.
3. I will leave you alone as soon as you leave.
4. You don't have to be on the server to be banned. Too bad you don't know how things work.
6. Where's 5? Are you a retard? ^^