View Full Version : It is I of the server the wander of places

29th January 2012, 21:11
Hello one and all it is once again I demi posting on ye yonder thread. With the new server up and the first clash of griefers come and gone as it were it was nice to do a little exploring around the place and see a few of the towns that recovered after words.

But what about the plans I had well for now they will be on hold till I get back to the states. Till then I will simply be the wandering mod and forum lucker that I am. As such if you are having any issues feel free to message me, post them or mail me in game. I will be able to log on roughly each day now to last check for anything and do a bit of chatting and digging.

So with much luck and great builds to you all know I may be lurking around your town and who knows I may take pictures of my visits as I go by and preview them here with thoughts if you like. Also if there are any server issues I can help a little bit as a mod but if possible try the others who will be online before me. for forums issues then feel free to bug me. ^.^

29th January 2012, 21:15
Have fun on your travels. We will try to bug you as often as possible as to make sure you'll miss us all ;)

2nd February 2012, 10:46
Why not? :P