View Full Version : Hey, I'm back

18th February 2013, 00:23
Sorry for my recent inactivity, I have been enjoying games other than minecraft (Gasp!). I have also been working very hard in school and I wasn't able to play as much as I did in the summer (no surprise there).
I also have recently gone to a new school and have been settling in (all is well now) and I have been in contact with old friends as well as getting to know new ones.
Lately, I was playing minecraft again, when I thought about DOM and his youtube channel. I checked and I had missed a lot of episodes! Seeing his new happy diggers episodes made me want to catch up with you guys.

At the time of writing, it is almost 12 PM and I should be asleep, so I guess I'll catch up with you guys tommorow!


18th February 2013, 06:16
Welcome back, slash. :)

18th February 2013, 08:37
Hi, long time no see. Welcome back :)