View Full Version : Plugins

26th February 2013, 07:03
Being very much new to the PC version of Minecraft I have no idea how to install plugins. I see that the Small Town server has a few that run on it and Lockette is especially important to me as I don't want all my hard work stolen away in the night.

Can anyone help me to figure out how to install plugins?

26th February 2013, 11:53
That's easy, you don't have to install any plugins to play on our servers :)

All you need is the default Minecraft client, and you're good to go. The plugins are all handled by the server. You can type /help (or /help <page number>) to see a (long) list of available commands.

26th February 2013, 19:29
Oh wow really? Thats cool. Thanks!

26th February 2013, 20:24
You only need to care about plugins if you want to make a server to play on with friends, but I doubt you will need any plugins while playing with those you know, so you are sure no one steals from you or griefs. :D