Hmm, guys, I had an unpleasant experience recently and it would be awesome to hear your thoughts about that.

I tried to help a friend with building in Minecraft TFC. Nothing fancy.
But I discovered that I literally have no imagination atm. I couldn't even choose a nice road design.
And when needed to make a bridge - again, no ideas. It went so primitive and ugly that I ragequit for a while.

There are many factors which may influence this, and which I can't change, but I started thinking about this one: I nearly stopped playing sandbbox\building games like KSP, Factorio, MC for some time already. Mostly I was playing FPS games like Planetside 2, STALKER, Warframe. And if you think about them, they are kinda like a grinding games, like WoW or Lineage. Well, Planetside 2 requires some tactical skill at least, but others - just killing and looting.

So I wonder if playing such games exclusively actually deteriorates my overall creativity and brain.

Have you had similar experience? Or heard about such? Do you think it is possible?