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  1. #1

    Player harassment and unwanted PVP

    ARK Server-Name: HappyDiggers PvPvE[5xTame 3xGather 2xXP]


    I wanted to adress a problem encountered whilst playing on one of your servers. My Friends and I recently started playing ARK on your server and we had some troublesome encounters with other players. First my friend who goes by the ingame name of Tomislav encountered an other player who then proceeded to shooting at him. This happened close to their base and he ran away. On his escape he got picked of the ground and dropped from a high alltitude. A minor nuisance which we could have lived with.
    Yesterday evening on the 23.01.2017 however whilst expanding our base the same people (or atleast we assume they are the same due to their base location) proceeded to grab him again and drop him from a high alltitude which resulted again, in my friends death. They left it at that and we simply ignored it.

    However as we reconnected today we found out that 3 of our dinosaurs had been killed by them, as the logs show,without any reason whatsoever.
    The kulprits names are keanvdb and thomasvds13

    We therefore contact you in the hopes of solving this matter, as we really enjoy playing on your server and spend time and effort into taming those dinosaurs,
    I would like to thank you in advance and I hope to hear from you soon,

    Yours sincerely
    Verstix (Ingame name Jane)
    Last edited by Verstix; 24th January 2017 at 16:48.

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