Hi Jiro,

With the player base of Ark so split. I was wondering what your take on it all is?

Are you genuinely enjoying the flyer nerf?

Because I know we're not. As the same it seems with the majority of the server.

A mod has just been produced http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=895711211 and it has over 23k subscribers already with a 5 star rating.

I'm just wondering as it's a private server anyway? Would it be a possibility to revert if the majority of the server requested it?

Or are we sticking with WC's idea of how we should play their way...

Just a question and food for thought. if I'm being truthful. I hate the flyer nerf, The horses are fantastic, Those raft wrecking whales are a nightmare but fun. How the deep sea should be scary!! the tek underwater bases, seem like a great idea. However we are nowhere near this

Just would like yo hear your thoughts and if you think change should happen?