I was banned for being racist, which may be true, but my friend wanted me to talk to him like this. We went through an event on our lives where he was a black slave, and I was a white slave owner. He wanted me to treat him like a slave because in our mind it was funny to bring up a humorous past. But I didn't want to offend anyone, so I used local chat. I didn't know you could still see my chat in the Dynamic Map. Someone came in and told us "GUYS NO N WORD" so I told him that "nigga" actually didn't mean the N word ending in ER. But I ceased my use in using it, at least I believe. I might have said it again after that. But I don't think so. I probably said the N word ending in ER in local chat, because of the role I was suppose to play. I apologize for saying such profane language. I thought only Bobbi could see it. I would not have said it, my intention was not to make other people offended, and have them dislike me. I don't like to be disliked, or called a liar. What I would prefer is to have the racism dropped, and look just at the language. I don't remember me saying it, but knowing me, I probably said some adult language in local chat or in messages directed towards my friend. So one hour temp-ban (Or jail time as you guys call it) for swearing. Then add on 1-3 more hours just for the hassle. That's not what you have to do, that's just what I'm suggesting. Truthfully I'd take any amount of temp-ban, whether it be one two or three days. I'd prefer it to be shorter (obviously) because I'd like to begin playing your server with my friend again. I believe in second chances, I hope you, and your team does too.